Advice for the Future

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Sign our Pledge

The Citizens Advice service has and continues to provide free, confidential, independent advice and influenced decision makers for 75 years.

Our work is important in our community and we need you help and support from our local and national government so we can continue to provide Advice for the Future.

Take Action

Please help us highlight the value of the Citizens Advice service and increase awareness and support by signing our pledge online. We need your support for our work to continue helping to improve lives for everyone in our community.

Sign Our Pledge! »

How Citizens Advice can help

In this short film, Gary, Elizabeth, Sarah and Nikola share their stories.

Free advice makes society better. It’s really important that people like Citizens Advice are able to continue to offer a free service, through a range of channels, so it’s available to everyone who needs it.

We’re going through a big period of change in the UK. From welfare reform to the payday lending market, the cost of housing to rising energy bills, life is getting increasingly complicated.

This means it’s even more important that people can access relevant, impartial advice, can get help to make complex decisions and have the confidence and opportunity to act on the issues that concern them.

Advice for the future

In 2012/2013 Citizens Advice in England and Wales helped 2.1 million clients coming into our 338 bureaux, 1 million contacts through our consumer helpline and 14 million hits on the Citizens Advice website alone.

You can read more about our value to society by downloading our report.

Read our report »

What’s your best advice?

#askCAB Twitter Q and A

We’re holding a series of #askCAB advice Q and A sessions on Twitter to raise the profile of free advice online and help people get access to the support they need through social. Each Q and A will focus on a different area of advice.

Our first Q and A will take place on Thursday 14th August – A-level results day – and is aimed at current or prospective university students. We’ll be offering them advice on range of issues including student housing, money management and part-time employment. Tweet us with the hashtag #askCAB from 12.30pm to take part!
