If you or a family member are experiencing illness or disability check to see if you are eligible for help. You may be eligible for state benefits like Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for adults under state retirement age, Attendance Allowance for those over state retirement age and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children under 16. The assessment considers the way that your health conditions affect your daily living and mobility needs. Receiving any of these benefits may increase entitlement to other benefits such as Pension Credit and Council Tax Support.

Please seek advice if you are already claiming a disability benefit such as DLA for adults, as your award will stop if you claim PIP instead.

Check if you are eligible for help

● Check your eligibility for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for adults under state retirement age, Attendance Allowance for those over state retirement age and
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children under 16, for new claims
● Receiving these benefits may increase entitlement to other benefits such
as Pension Credit and Council Tax Support.
● Seek advice if you are already claiming a disability benefit such as DLA for
adults, as your award will stop if you claim PIP instead.
● If you’re too unwell to work, you may be entitled to New Style Employment
and Support Allowance
and/or Universal Credit with Limited Capability for
Work or Work Related Activity.
● Get free and impartial energy saving advice to help manage energy costs and
keep your home warm. Hampshire County Council Hitting the Cold Spots – 0800 804 8601
● Check whether you are eligible to apply for Council Tax Support

You may also be eligible for help from the Household Support Fund

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